34 Workout Tips For Anyone Who Has No Idea What They're Doing

    No experience, no problem.

    January is the time when a lot of people finally take up fitness, and that can be super intimidating.

    So we asked members of the BuzzFeed Community and fitness experts for tips on how beginners can master workouts, learn proper form, navigate the equipment, and feel confident while making gains.

    1. Find a beginner-friendly gym or one that fits your individual needs, whatever those may be.

    2. Get familiar with the layout of the gym so you aren't wandering around confused and searching for equipment.

    3. Try starting with low or no impact cardio for ~20 minutes a few times per week.

    4. Be super careful on the treadmill if you're new to the machine or running.

    5. Ease into a weekly routine; don't go from once a month to every single day.

    6. If you can afford it, splurge on a few sessions with a trainer and repeat what you learned on your own.

    7. If a trainer isn't in your budget, watch other trainers and clients closely for ideas.

    8. Do some research and educate yourself before you start.

    9. Master bodyweight movement before adding weight.

    10. Use tutorials on BodyBuidling.com for specific muscle groups and practice with a prop (like a broomstick) at home.

    11. Walk into the weight room having planned out your weight exercises, rep schemes, and sets so you're prepared.

    12. Track your progress and make to-do lists

    13. Do some dynamic stretches before your workout.

    14. Use Pinterest to find different workout plans that you can print and bring to the gym with you.

    15. Or watch fitness channels on YouTube that demonstrate lifting, bodyweight exercises, stretching, and more.

    16. It's OK to ask someone if you can use a weight machine in between their sets if you're sitting around waiting. Just try to follow proper gym etiquette when you do.

    17. Never feel bad about asking for help if you need it.

    18. Practice your bodyweight and mat exercises at home before you tackle them on the gym floor.

    19. Take any free training sessions or instructional classes if your gym offers them.

    20. Wear headphones and go into your own little world.

    21. Just try to move with confidence, even if you don’t have any.

    22. Hold a "power pose" in the mirror before your workout.

    View this video on YouTube

    Ted.com / Via youtube.com

    "Check out the Ted Talk on power posing," Kneeland says. "If you're really intimidated about the gym, power pose for 2 minutes in the locker room before stepping on the floor. I swear this really helps."

    23. Wear whatever makes you feel amazing.

    24. Always re-rack your weights.

    25. And wipe down any cardio or weight machine after you're done using it.

    26. Listen tp a playlist of songs that make you want to ~werk~.

    27. Imagine you’re an actor training for a fit role.

    28. Go to the gym at a time when it’s empty if you’re nervous about the crowds.

    29. Find exercises you actually enjoy instead of forcing yourself to do things you hate.

    30. Use a machine in the front row if other people are distracting.

    31. Try to be mindful and positive towards other gym-goers.

    32. And try to make some new gym buddies while you're at it.

    33. Just keep going to the gym even when it feels like you're not getting better — don’t give up.

    34. And give yourself a pat on the back for deciding to go to the gym in the first place!

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