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    Welcome To "Laughing At Pintrest": OI! Pintrest! You're Doing It Wrong.

    Make "Laughing at Pintrest" your new Tuesday-night-in pass-time.

    Try not to make your "Healthy Dinner" recipe look like twice baked spew.

    Nothing says "we're breaking up" like foam tubing and duct tape on a coat hanger. A Valentine's DIY that's a one way ticket to single street.

    It's not worth it. It's really not.

    BUT if you DO choose to waste your precious life *conturing*, you can expect these kind of results:


    From user 'Seashell CrAzY'.

    Sweet green beans, I'm sorry its come to this.

    Let us be Thankful...

    I don't think you understand what a lamp shade does.

    Why are you hanging lit cheese graters around your house?

    The ultimate classic "my take on a Pintrest idea"

    Ahh Pintrest, whenever you try to suck me in with your pretty pictures and mason jar based fun, I always remind myself: