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    RIP Sony Cassette Walkman

    Sony has of last week, stopped production on the cassette variety of Sony Walkman's. Last week? I haven't seen one of these things for over a decade.

    • Monkey Loves His Walkman

      I find it funny that the person who posted it did it because the monkey in the clip died. (Mr.Choromatsu 1978~2007)

    • Chick Doing Stretches

      Because you can't do any exercise in the 80's with a stereo, you need to strap something big to your hip.

    • Awwww... Corporate Shills

      A small product for small people? But the commercial has kids, not midgets.

    • It's A Monkey... No, It's A Cow

      Sure, it's not technically a cassette player, but still... a portable radio! Remember them?!