19 Truths About Dating Someone Who's Extremely Healthy

    You’re starting to wonder if they’re actually human.

    1. You can never trust a chocolate chip-looking cookie they've baked.

    2. The only thing in the fridge is fruit flavored sparking water.

    3. A "lazy Sunday" to them means a hike in the canyons.

    4. You never get to enjoy the complimentary bread at restaurants when you're on a date because they always send it away.

    5. They look at you like you've committed a mortal sin when you mention your desire to go to McDonald's.

    6. They ALWAYS substitute regular ingredients for healthy ones when making meals.

    7. They insist on all-organic, non-chemical cleaners for the apartment.

    8. They always suggest watching food documentaries when you decide to have a night in together.

    9. If you work an office job, they're always trying to convince you to try an exercise ball chair or a standing desk at work.

    10. They bring home groceries that may as well be a foray into an exotic land.

    11. Their cookbooks are difficult to decipher when it's your turn to cook dinner.

    12. They suggest natural remedies to help you get over a cold, like eating garlic cloves.

    13. They’re always sending you unsolicited articles about health topics.

    14. They usually suggest a nice relaxing workout at the gym if you vent to them about a stressful day.

    15. They're full of unappetizing facts about your favorite foods when you suggest fast food for dinner.

    16. You don't take them on a date anywhere that allows smoking for fear of their reaction.

    17. You can't go on walks together without a constant update on how many steps you've taken.

    18. They offer to make you coffee in the morning, but it's never how you prefer it.

    19. Yet you know they’re just trying to help you live a healthier life.