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21 Of The Realest College Struggles As Told By "Pokémon"

Gotta get to class!

1. When you're situated in your dorm and finally have to say goodbye to your family.

2. When you're new on campus and don't know anyone yet.

3. When you're trying to learn a new format for papers.

4. When the struggle is REAL waking up for an 8 a.m. class.

5. When you're studying, but nothing is sinking in.

6. When a class turns out to be completely over your head.

7. When your schedule is jam-packed and you have to quickly grab a bite between classes.

8. When you have several major assignments due back-to-back.

9. When you have to shift from focused student back to regular human.

10. When you're trying to make it across campus but your backpack is too heavy.

11. When your roommate is sick and you're trapped in close quarters.

12. When you've been taking notes all day and your hand cramps up.

13. When you forgot to save your essay and your computer crashes.

14. When you're forced to work with someone you don't even know for a group project.

15. When the campus is covered in snow, but you still have class.

16. When the cutie sitting next to you is so hot it's hard to pay attention.

17. When you forgot about an important assignment.

18. When you just barely make an assignment deadline.

19. When you walk out of a final feeling completely defeated even though you studied.

20. When you're exhausted after pulling an all-nighter during finals week.

21. And when you're anxiously waiting for grades to be posted at the end of the semester.