13 Similarities Between "Mean Girls" And "OITNB" That'll Blow Your Mind

    North Shore High School and Litchfield Penitentiary have a surprising amount in common.

    1. The cafeteria seating arrangements are divided by distinct cliques.

    On one side you have the Asian nerds, cool Asians, cheerleaders, varsity jocks, unfriendly black hotties, girls who eat their feelings, girls who don't eat anything, desperate wannabes, burnouts, sexually active band geeks, the greatest people you'll ever meet, and The Plastics.

    On the other you have the religious zealots, black women, the "Spanish Harlem," the Golden Girls (older women), loners, and Red’s "Family".

    2. The Burn Book = Contraband

    Both have dire consequences for being found: they each cause chaos, can ruin reputations, and affect positions in the societal hierarchy. They both involve authority figures and can lead to their downfall if exposed.

    3. Cady Heron = Piper Chapman

    Cady and Piper are both smart and slightly nerdy. Initially painfully out of their element, they’re innocent, misguided, make many faux pas, but then integrate quickly and assume roles of power. Plus they're both "really pretty… did you know they're really pretty?"

    Their lunchtime seating struggle is even similar.


    4. Regina George = Galina "Red" Reznikov

    Both Rs are initially at the top of the pecking order, then have a fall from grace and ultimately become nicer, yet in positions of considerably less power. They both have followers who worship them and will do anything to please them.

    5. Gretchen Wieners = Nicky Nichols

    Both wealthy, the right hand man of a boss bitch, and their hair is so big because it's full of secrets.

    6. Karen Smith = Norma

    Both wide-eyed innocent lackeys to a powerful R, and both have "special powers."

    7. Janis Ian = Alex Vause

    Both alternative, bad girls with a witty sense of humor — they each become best friends with the respective main characters, have a falling out, then make up again.

    8. Damian Leigh = Sophia Burset

    Both know the inner workings of their respective societal systems and environment, are softhearted to the core, and inspire fierce loyalty. They're also familiar with the harsh reality of being bullied for refusing to be anything other than themselves.

    9. Ms. Norbury = Berdie Rogers

    They're both caring, well-intentioned, and unjustly punished over a misunderstanding.

    10. Coach Carr = George "Pornstache" Mendez

    Both abuse positions of power to sleep with those they have authority over — Coach Carr with underage Tran and Mendez with inmate Daya.

    11. Principal Duvall = Joe Caputo

    They each let their personal feelings get in the way of their job, leading them to be unprofessional at times... yet they deeply care about their staff and the kids/inmates at the end of the day.

    12. Kevin Gnapoor = Poussey

    They're both outspoken, brilliant, and can drop a sick beat.

    13. Aaron Samuels = Stella Carlin

    It's undeniable that they both look sexy with their hair pushed back.

    Litchfield is the new North Shore.