86 Thoughts Everyone Has While Shopping At Aldi

    Do I need this? Yes, I need this.

    1. OMG, yaaass, it's Aldi time!

    2. I live for this shit.

    3. I hope there are some good specials on because spending money on food is the worst.

    4. Like, why do I have to pay for something I need?

    5. I've even got my shopping list ready, I was BORN for this.

    6. OK, first step, I need a trolley.

    7. FFS, I don't have any gold coins!

    8. UGHHHH.


    10. What an amateur move.

    11. I'll just have to use one of the random boxes in store to carry my stuff, sigh.

    12. Right, let's forget the rocky start and begin this shopping journey.

    13. Whenever I come here I feel like I'm sticking it to the man because there are no brand names.

    14. Idk who the man is, but whatever, I'm sticking it to him.

    15. I still feel a little scared when I don't buy brand name stuff though???

    16. I've grown up with these stupid brands and now I've converted to something slightly... different?


    18. It's weird knowing you literally pay for the brand.

    19. Like, you're actually paying extra for a dumb logo and pretty colours.

    20. What a world we live in.

    21. Alright, repeat after me: I will be healthy this week.

    22. Yup, healthy. Nothing but leafy greens.


    24. Oh wait, it's mostly all from Easter.

    25. And most of it is expired.

    26. *Puts chocolate in trolley anyway*

    27. Damn, these rip off Coco Pops looks legit, how have I never spotted these before?

    28. Bloody love me some Coco Pops!

    29. They're so cheap, I should get two boxes.

    30. Maybe three.

    31. OK, four.

    32. Damn I love cereal.

    33. Now that I've got my sugar fix, I'll get me some fruit.

    34. It's cute how they sell the apples in packs.

    35. But I also hate not being able to check them because bruised apples are EVIL.

    36. Jeez I'm healthy, look at me and all my (hopefully non-bruised) apples.

    37. You might as well call me Michelle Bridges.

    38. I wonder if she shops at Aldi?

    39. Nah, she's rich, she probably has her food flown in from Russia or something.

    40. I wish I had abs.

    41. OMG CHIPS.

    42. I'll never get used to how narrow the aisles are here.

    43. And how many random boxes there are.

    44. I guess that's why stuff is so cheap though, they don't really need to pay people to unpack it all.

    45. Wait, are they selling bikes here this week?

    46. Lol, I love all the random shit they sell in the middle of the store.

    47. One time I even saw them selling chainsaws.

    48. Like, who goes to the supermarket to buy fucking chainsaw?

    49. Aldi shoppers, that's who.

    50. I want one tho.

    51. I love how small this place is compared to other stores.

    52. But it's also annoying because they don't have super specific stuff.

    53. Like chia seeds and quinoa.

    54. Lol, I never buy that stuff anyway.

    55. Also ugh, I hate how they run out of fresh produce quickly, like, where are the bananas?

    56. I just see an empty space where the bananas should be.

    57. I am sad without bananas.

    58. Oh, but avocados are SO much cheaper here.

    59. AND they sell them in bulk!

    60. Screw paying $10 + my soul for one avocado at Woolworths, I'll come here and buy six of the little shits for $7.

    61. Oh shit, I'm about to walk past the random coffee machines.

    62. I WILL resist the urge to buy one.

    63. No, I don't need one, no, no, no.

    64. But the little pods are so cute.

    65. And I mean, I'd probably save so much money in the long run, right?

    66. OK, seriously RUN now before you give in.

    67. Phew, what a battle, I'm a true champion for resisting.


    69. I love how they have mobile phones and laptops and webcams and UGH GIMME.


    71. Lol jk I'm gonna buy a portable DVD player.

    72. My laptop has a DVD drive already but you NEVER KNOW OK.

    73. The checkout lines are so long again, ugh.

    74. It's bloody genius how they give their checkout staff a chair and don't make them stand.

    75. Why doesn't every store let their checkout employees sit? Why is standing the norm?

    76. Some families really go all out here.

    77. There's literally one family with two trolley loads of stuff.

    78. I mean, good on you for being more prepared for the apocalypse than I am.

    79. Goddammit I forgot my carry bag again!

    80. Now I have to pay for the plastic Aldi bag.

    81. I mean, it's good that they charge you, it's environmentally friendly AF.

    82. But also, just give me my plastic bag pls, I don't want to pay you for that.

    83. FINE I'LL PAY FOR THE BAG, do you also want my soul???

    84. Stupid Aldi.

    85. Stupid environmentally friendly and cheap Aldi.

    86. I'll 100% be back next week.

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