6 Things That Actually Cause Bad Blood In Real Life

    So you've never had beef with Katy Perry? You can still relate to Taylor...literally.

    1. Cat bites.

    Don't be fooled by those precious, furry faces or those teeny, tiny paws. Lurking behind that doe-eyed exterior is a savage, pasteurella multocida-laden beast. A 3-year study revealed a nip from their razor-tipped incisors can be enough to send you to the hospital with a serious infection. Me-owchie.

    2. Burgers the size of your face.

    #NationalBurgerDay is my favorite holiday

    A diet too rich in red meat can make your blood cholesterol levels soar higher than Shake Shack's IPO. When cholesterol builds, heart disease can follow. No amount of fries with that is worth it.

    3. Lance Armstrong's life choices in 1999.

    4. Your Mom.

    5. This unappetizing grooming practice.

    Fact: Bloodborne pathogens can enter your body through nicks, scrapes or recently shaved legs from unsterilized tools or a soak in that cesspool otherwise known as a pedicure tub. Sandal season is overrated. Just wear socks and be done with it.

    6. Future ex boyfriends.