Social Marketers NYC - "The Changing Nature Of Viral- Featuring BuzzFeed, Fast Company & Microsoft" - New York - April 17, 2013

    Panelist: Jonathan Perelman, Vice President of Agency Strategy and Industry Development 6:00 -8:00 pm Offerpop HQ 36 E. 31st Street, 8th Floor NY, NY

    In 2004, in a bid to sell more chicken sandwiches, Burger King launched the intriguingly new, if eery, Subservient Chicken campaign. It went "viral." You could argue a lot has changed since then or maybe little has. We market and publish in a world of hashtags, animated gifs, mashups, flash mobs, and, yes, kittens. How should we define viral, what causes something to go viral, and are the elements of viral content or our reactions to it changing? These are the questions we will try to answer when we sit down with Jonathan Perelman of Buzzfeed, Jason Feifer of Fast Company, and Sharad Goel of Microsoft.

    Come with your questions and stay for the free drinks and food!