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    15 Times Your Pet Has To Put Up With Your Crap

    Just be glad they can't speak. Or tweet. Or have facebook. Or thumbs, because they might have thought about stabbing you before.

    1. When you decide to "dance like no one's watching"

    2. Also when you scream/sing your favorite song because no one is home

    3. And those times when you decide to rope them in to dancing with you

    4. When you use the "baby voice"

    5. When you get bored and try to mildly annoy them for your own amusement

    6. When they clearly need some space, but you pet/kiss them anyway

    7. And those God-awful times when your friends think they can just come up on your pet and put their hands on them

    8. But of course, when your pet actually wants the attention, where are you?

    9. And if you're one of those people who dress your pets...your animals hate you

    10. Oh and when you get them a "fun" haircut...

    11. Oh, did I mention when you got them "fixed"?

    12. Bath time...

    13. When a friend with animal allergies comes over and you put your pet into another room for the night

    14. When they've repeatedly told you they don't like Paul, but you still hang out with him

    15. When you go on vacation...without them.

    And yet, through all of this crap we put them through. They kind of still love us.