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A History Of "Frisco" In Headlines

For a bunch of people who claimed to hate it, "Frisco" sure showed up a lot in the Frisco newspapers.

For a town that claimed to hate "Frisco", there was no shortage of references to it in the local papers over 170 years. A constant stream of op-eds railed against the term, but "Frisco" was freely and frequently used in advertisements, headlines and sporting news in the same papers.

While editors may have hated it, people were saying "Frisco".

...including those in Frisco

L.A. was awfully obsessed with Frisco

While towns in Northern California seemingly used it as a term of endearment, the papers in Los Angeles (specifically the Herald) used it at any and every opportunity, usually in a fashion that can best be described (today) as trolling.

I do get the sense that a lot people outside Frisco intentionally used "Frisco" to piss people here off.

All of these newspaper clippings are from the California Digital Newspaper Collection. It is a national treasure. Regardless of what you think of Frisco, please donate. And you should also read Daisy Barringer's epic and well-researched post on Frisco.

And now, Behold Frisco.


Frisco! Frisco!

Frisco on a roll

Frisco on top

Did you hear about Frisco?

Of course I heard about Frisco!

Frisco's on the way up

Everybody loves Frisco!

The girls Love Frisco

The boys love Frisco

Los Angeles does not love Frisco

Can't stop won't stop

Wait what?

Oh dear!

Frisco descending

Rock bottom

Let us remember Frisco in poetry

Take me down to Frisco city, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty

Oh look another Frisco poem

Just kidding. but trust me, there is no shortage of Frisco poems in the CDNC archives. People reeeally liked to write poems about Frisco.

People also liked to write articles asking, requesting, demanding and pleading not to call Frisco "Frisco".

Frisco vulgarisms

No really, please do not call it Frisco

WTF did you seriously just call it Frisco?

What about this do you not understand?

The weather is perfect on Mars

Seems like you got the message

In addition to poems and missives, there were a lot of ads that mention Frisco. A. lot. of. ads. Over 2000 in the local papers alone. Here are a couple that are awesome.

Frisco is refreshing!

Say "Frisco" and you will live forever

Dance, Frisco, Dance!

Of course there was going to be a GIF in this post.

Please write back, Frisco

Whither Frisco

Frisco is embracive. Frisco is divisive.

Do not fear Frisco. Do not overuse Frisco.

Respect Frisco, for it is a part of our history. Frisco is our story.

But for the record, if you say "S*n Fr*n" I will kick you very ass where you stand.