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    Top 13 Reasons You Should Go 2 LNADJ V.3 Lovesexy At Joe’s Pub!

    In no order of importance. OK, that's not true but its fun to say! Last Night A DJ Saved My Life Volume 3 LoveSexy A stripping, shimmying stiletto filled fete celebrating His Royal Badness, Prince. Saturday, August 9th at 9:30pm at Joe's Pub, NYC.

    13. Prince may just show up and shut down the show as he has every Internet video of him out there.

    12. You haven't felt the House Quake in a while and its starting to get to you.

    11. You've been trying to figure out what to do for your friend's Bachelor/Bachelorette party that doesn't involve Vegas or Flashdancers.

    10. There is no way you could afford rent AND seeing Prince at the Essence Music Festival this year.

    9. You actually own Graffiti Bridge and Under the Cherry Moon…and watch them.

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    8. You wanted to celebrate when you realized it was the 30th Anniversary of Purple Rain and the 25th Anniversary of Batman. (This was after your heart attack from realizing your age.)

    7. You have perfected the Prince yelp which you will repeat when each Brown Girl takes the stage.

    6. You know all the words (and moves) to Batdance.

    5. Because he goes on Tavis and talks about Spooky Electric and all that he crawls for in the most diplomatic of ways.

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    4. Because OKC, PoF and Tinder ain't doing it for you and you need a sexy fix.

    3. Because Hey, He's Powerful and Oh! He's got Soul.

    2. You will never hear this much Prince while seeing this many naked women in one place ever again (or until the next time BGB celebrates His Royal Badness.)

    1. All Prince. All Night.