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    Eight Signs You're Taking Your Major Too Seriously

    Education is always an important endeavor, but as with all things, there should be a balance between schooling, and the rest of your life. That is assuming you have a life. Sometimes school tends to take over our lives, and even our personalities. Don’t let yourself burn out. If you relate to any of the following signs, it might be time to take a break.

    You Have Nightmares Related to Your Major

    You Never Take Fun Courses

    You Only Hang Out With Others Majoring in the Same Field

    Things You Enjoyed about Your Major No Longer Make You Feel Joy

    Your Schoolwork Keeps You from other Important or Meaningful Activities

    You are Chronically Anxious or Depressed

    You Have Developed Chronic Sleep Deprivation

    You Pick up Nearly Every Cold or Other Illness That Comes Along

    Taking a break of re-evaluating your coursework does not mean you have to quit school completely. If your major is engineering, for example, you could enroll in online NJIT civil engineering Master's programs and take virtual classes to remove some stress associated with attending regular classes. Everyone needs a break from time to time, so make sure you are getting everything you need to function great and get your degree!