18 Things You Should Do Differently While Dating In 2016

    Save the drama for yo mama.

    The truth is, if you could go back and change some of the things you did while dating in 2015, you would.

    But you know, it's almost a new year. And that means you can say buh-bye to your bad dating habits.

    1. This year, you should look for someone who doesn't beat around the bush.

    2. You could even try something completely foreign... a little thing called taking it slow.

    3. 'Cause you know now that you can't get your heart broken if you take dating one step at a time.

    4. 2016 should be the year you finally stop playing your little mind games.

    5. The year you stop the drama, and the overreacting.

    6. It's the year you should only date people who accept you as you are.

    7. And even respect you!

    You deserve it.

    8. This year you should look for someone who is semi-responsible.

    9. Who pushes you to take risks.

    10. And who isn't in a relationship with you purely for the physical stuff.

    11. This year, you should look for someone who has some of the same interests.

    12. You should do your best to realize that everyone has pesky flaws and bad habits.

    13. And you should learn that you don't have to CONSTANTLY be with the person you're dating.

    14. This year, you should take your inevitable little quarrels to a more private setting...

    15. ... and you should acknowledge that the conversation is a two-way dialogue, not just you pointing out your S.O.'s flaws.

    16. You should look for someone who makes you smile.

    17. And if by chance you find a good one, this year you should try your best not to let them go.

    18. Because you know that anyone who can make you have more good days than bad days is worth keeping around!

    Get psyched for a great year of dating! 🎉 🎉 🎉