18 Questions Everyone With A Pregnant Sibling Wishes They Could Ask

    Will I be the "cool" aunt or uncle???

    1. Is it absolutely necessary that I get to the hospital HOURS before the birth takes place?

    2. Am I supposed to be some baby-present-buying genius who knows exactly what to purchase for a newborn?

    3. I really need to know before we get too far into this: Will I be the "cool" aunt or uncle?

    4. What if this kid just legitimitely hates my guts?

    5. Or worse... what if I don't like this kid?

    6. Will I be expected to handle dirty diapers? I was kind of under the impression that was parent territory.

    Please. God. No.

    7. What if I, you know, accidentally drop the baby??

    8. Will my sister trust me enough to inspire this kid's fashion choices and boost his overall cool factor?

    9. Will my sister EVER be the same... or will she permanently be a zombie mommy who ignores me once that child pops out?

    10. Will people think her baby is mine? I wasn't aware that I looked old enough to have a child.

    11. Will seeing her pregnant make me view this whole birthing process in a new light?

    12. Or will it make me swear I'll never have a child of my own, like, EVER?

    13. If I do have kids, will our kids be friends, or are they just going to have to fake nice at every family function?

    14. Will I fuel this munchkin with junk food and crap even when I know their mom has them on a strict no artificial anything diet?

    15. If I live in a different state from my sister and her baby, will I be THAT aunt/uncle they barely remember on holidays???

    16. Will this child one day think it's actually a good idea to come to ME for substantial advice?

    Universal Pictures


    17. What are the chances I'll do something right and be this kid's role model?

    18. And, most importantly, will this little nugget ever realize how much I love them?