This Ex-NFL Player's Love Song To His Wife And Daughter Will Make Your Heart Cry

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    Ben Utecht helped the Indianapolis Colts win Super Bowl XLI in 2007, but his career was cut short due to multiple concussions that caused permanent brain damage. Before his condition worsened, Ben wrote this love song to his family.

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    Now 33 years old, Ben first began to feel the effects of his brain injury in his late twenties.

    Following his fifth concussion, Ben decided to end his five-year stint in the NFL at age 28.

    In 2009, just a year after retiring from the NFL, he decided to launch his music career. Ben had always planned on launching a singing career, but said he "never expected it to come so soon."

    Now an advocate for Traumatic Brain Injury, Ben hopes his new music video will help raise awareness of this issue that has taken over the NFL and other major sports.

    Via Twitter: @BenUtecht