33 Reasons Underwater Australia Will Ruin You For Life

    There's a whole new world under there!

    1. Because of the way it looks from above...

    2. And the way it looks below.

    3. Because of boring, regular ol' scenes like this...

    4. And onlookers like this.

    5. Because of underwater reefs that go for miles...

    6. And aquatic life that just swims around doing its own thing.

    7. Because of little fish...

    8. And bigger fish...

    9. And big BIG fish.

    10. Because of flashes of purple like this...

    11. And little streaks of crimson like this.

    12. Because of turtles saying "hello!" like this...

    13. And lions that look like this.

    14. Because of tiny orange specs that shine through the coral...

    15. And waffled yellow fish that glimmer past.

    16. Because of small underwater universes like this...

    17. That look like this up close!

    18. Because of crystal clear landscapes like this...

    19. And side-eye turtles that look at you like this!

    20. Because of blues like this...

    21. And schools that look like this.

    22. Because of drive-throughs like this...

    23. And folded yellows like this.

    24. Because of shallow water like this...

    25. With light shining through like this...

    26. Because of scenes like this.

    27. And small communities like this.

    28. Because of whatever-the-hell this is...

    29. And because of the colours that show up like this.

    30. Because of intimidation like this...

    31. And attacks like this!

    32. Because of starfish lounging around like this...

    33. And jellyfish swooping by like this!

    And it's all right there, down below, doing its own thing.