This Is What Ferris Bueller Looks Like Now


    Everyone knows Ferris Bueller. He was the fun-loving, playful, and super cool quintessential teenager of the late 20th Century.

    We loved his romance with Sloane, and his awesome friendship with Cameron.

    Well, what if we told you things had changed and that Ferris' life didn't turn out quite as he had planned?

    Yep, this is what Ferris looks like now.

    He's still a (silver) fox - but his life was a bit of a shambles after the much-loved documentary Ferris Bueller's Day Off came out in '86.

    He and Sloane got married and tried to live a happy, normal life.

    Sloane and Ferris ended their relationship and divorced in 2009. They have two children - Cameron and Jeanie.

    Ah well, we'll always have Ferris Bueller's Day Off.