Everything You Need To Know About Pill Testing Explained With "Simpsons" Quotes

    "Won't somebody please think of the children!"

    Sometimes, taking drugs can be really fucked.

    Over the last couple of years, a number of people have died as a result of taking chemical drugs, like MDMA, that aren't made up of everything they might've thought.

    Because of this, there's been calls from the public, as well as medical experts and former police officers, to do something about it and introduce a system that has seen success across the globe: pill testing.

    Pill testing would see laboratory-grade equipment supplied to volunteers, who would set up outside music festivals and other events where drug taking is likely to occur.

    However, there's two very different schools of thought around it.

    The NSW government has been staunchly against pill testing from the get-go, insisting that the safest way to avoid overdosing on drugs is to not take drugs at all.

    President of the Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation, Alex Wodak, has a different view.

    One of the nations largest music festivals, Stereosonic, announced its support of pill testing yesterday.

    And the Greens leader, RIchard Di Natale, has also backed the movement.

    But it's done little to change the attitude of the NSW government.

    In fact, NSW Police Minister and Deputy Premier Troy Grant went so far as to say that anyone testing people's pills could end up being charged with manslaughter.

    Grant was also slammed earlier this year for making claims about pill testing that the ABC's Four Corners later revealed to be false.

    Now, there's a high probability NSW will find itself with a group of guerrilla pill testers, roaming music events around Australia in an effort to make drug taking safer.

    And despite all the warnings from the state government, kids are still taking drugs.

    Really, all we can do is wait.