This Guy Re-Designed Australian Currency And It's Perfect

    Kath & Kim on the $20? Warney on the $50?

    Illustrator Aaron Tyler has put together some perfectly Aussie notes that really encapsulate what makes Australia great.

    Tyler has made up two options for each note, all the way from $5 to $100, and even made a sweet little promo video too.

    View this video on YouTube

    Tyler told BuzzFeed News he came up with the idea after talking with friends about how no one knew who was actually on the Australian bank notes.

    "After asking around to see if people could name at least one, no one could. It seemed pretty crazy that despite handling these notes every day of our lives, no one could recall who these faces actually were."

    "Taking that insight, I reimagined what the notes would look like if they were updated with people and icons that are immediately recognisable to present day Australians."

    Tyler said the note designs took quite a while, with each one containing multiple parts of Australiana.

    As for deciding who would get to feature on the notes, the final choices were narrowed down from a list of 100.

    And at the very least Karl will get a go.

    You can see more of the bank notes here.