18 Photos Of Red Brick Porn That Could Only Be Found In Australia

    A beautiful repurposing of our nation's red earth.

    1. Ah, nothing says 'Australia' like a good ol' red brick house.

    2. Or a red brick police station.

    3. We Aussies have used our natural red earth as often as we could.

    4. Using it for Show Grounds.

    5. Or even larger, more in-your-face buildings.

    6. Still, it's hard to forget the classics.

    7. Or the paths we choose to walk on.

    8. We built our red bricks high.

    9. And we tore our red bricks down.

    10. But there's nothing like a good red brick pub.

    11. Our red brick surrounds our garages.

    12. And shelters our submarines!

    13. Our signs are sprayed onto it.

    14. As well as our own art.

    15. And our fire brigades are kept undercover with it.

    16. It's shaped around our Country Women's Associations!

    17. And helps show how big and beautiful our blue sky is!

    18. Red brick. It's a hell of a thing!