NZ Clothing Store Criticized For Mannequins With Protruding Ribs

    Glassons mannequins have visible ribcages but no faces or toes.

    Following an online petition which reached 16,000 signatures in a day, Glassons has removed the mannequins "effective immediately."

    A petition has been started that asks for Glassons to remove the mannequins. So far it has reached 7,106 supporters.

    Glassons New Zealand is copping criticism for its new mannequin featuring prominent protruding ribs.

    Check out this mannequin at the clothing store @Glassons Purging is in this season! xx

    It's just ridiculous to show ribs. It's absurd to me...It absolutely will have a negative effect on young women - and young boys as well, actually. They see these images and assume that's what we should look like...

    The mannequins certainly do not help with growing concerns over the way the female body is highlighted in the world today.

    Re the @Glassons mannequins: most girls don't look like that & many feel self-loathing because they don't look like that. Why make it worse?

    Bizarrely, the mannequins feature no face or toes.

    More baffling bull: The Glassons mannequin models have detailed features such as a visible ribcage but no face or toes. #ummm

    A spokeswoman for Glassons New Zealand has told BuzzFeed that the mannequins will remain in stores.

    Asked whether there had been any complaints, the spokeswoman would not provide a comment

    She says Glassons New Zealand would not be releasing any comments about the controversial mannequins and did not see need to remove them from shop windows.