18 Things All People With Hayfever Will Understand

    God bless you.

    1. The first hour of your day is spent blowing your nose / coughing / itching your throat / scratching your eyes.

    2. Some days there is no possible way to rid your body of mucus.

    3. When you sneeze, people look at you like this:

    4. BUT when your allergy medication WORKS it's like being kissed by God.

    5. At least once, someone has mistaken your watery eyes for tears.

    6. You're waiting till the day you get in a car crash because you're sneezing.

    7. You don't find flowers beautiful anymore. They're just another way to ruin your life.

    8. And you can't remember the last time you took a good, solid breathe-in through your nose.

    9. You have become a tissue connoisseur.

    10. You have found..."unconventional" ways to wipe your nose.

    11. The more you itch your eyes the itchier they become.

    12. You're a proud, ***loud*** mouth-breather.

    13. This whole "sneeze six times in a row and have an orgasm" thing is bullshit, and you know this because you've sneezed 10+ times in succession.

    14. You're familiar with this:

    15. And some days you just lean your head forward and give up:

    16. Your trash can is pretty much tissues and empty tissue boxes. That's it.

    17. And a few times a year, you'll have dried blood in your nostrils. So that's fun.

    18. Basically, this: