21 Life Lessons From "She's All That"

    Jump up my ass, Zach.

    1. There are few problems in life that you can't just dance away.

    2. Srsly. Go ahead and dance like no one's watching.

    3. Life can throw you some real sour lemons.

    4. But a healthy dose of self-belief can help you make delicious lemonade with them.

    5. You have to take your victories – however small – wherever you can.

    6. Plot twist: Your shitty after-school job is actually character-building.

    7. Never be afraid to insert some judicious swearwords in your otherwise 12A life.

    8. Embrace your weirdness. It’ll probably be the thing that saves you later on in life.

    9. Toxic friendships are not worth it. Get out now.

    10. Never. Let. (Your Responsibilities.) Drop.

    11. You probably shouldn't use slang you don't understand.

    12. Totally Lean In to being a bitch, if that's your bag.

    13. Be generous with your compliments...

    14. ... And learn to graciously accept them.

    15. Constant self-disparagement is so exhausting. You should stop being so hard on yourself.

    16. You deserve to have good things happen to you. Don't be afraid.

    17. A bangin' little red dress that suits your complexion is rarely a bad idea.

    18. But listen. Always practice walking in heels before you leave the house.

    19. Call out bullshit when you hear it.

    Miramax / Via 0hboy.tumblr.com

    20. Own up quick and clean to your mistakes. Then apologise.

    21. And finally, you should never be scared to drop a bit of knowledge. Even if it is a cliché.

    Now get out there and supersize your balls!