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    Facebook Booze Test

    To stop users who have had a few too many to go online and make an arse of themselves – or as we have seen in The Social Network, create a very successful website and become a billionaire in the process - a Swedish company have created a test that checks your motor skills in order to establish if you are fit enough for Facebooking. If a user passes the test their status update will have a tag saying that the update has been “filtered for alcohol”, if a user fails the test the update will be accompanied with a tag saying that it failed the “drunken test” and should not be taken too seriously. The company behind the application IQ, is part of the Swedish ‘System Bolaget AB” which is the only shop in Sweden allowed to sell alcohol. “Thoughts and opinions that are expressed on Facebook after a few pints can do more long-term damage than a hangover,” said Ann-Therése Enarsson the CEO of IQ. Click on the link above if you want to do the test - it's in Swedish but all you need to do is hit the lights as fast as you can. I wish they had invented this ages ago!!!!