25 People Who Are Way Worse At Driving Than You Are

    Please, for the sake of society, get off the road.

    1. People who are trying to kill you.

    2. People who are lane hogs.

    3. People who drive into plants.

    4. People who do not stop at crosswalks.

    5. People who do not look when turning.

    6. People who ruin construction workers days.

    Great job....

    Thanks guy.

    7. Bus driving road hogs.

    Or just reckless bus drivers.

    8. People who drive on the sidewalk.

    9. People who knock out all the power for small Swedish villages.

    10. The "Why is everyone waiting in this line?" driver.

    11. People who dont know how to drive on ice.

    12. People who text/ tweet/ call/ Words with friends/ Snapchat/ Facebook/ sext/ Jungle Run or do anything with their smartphone and drive.

    13. People who look soooo awesome on their motorcycle.

    14. People who cause this.

    15. Long turn signal people.

    16. People who hot dog.

    17. People who do not follow signs.

    18. Huge trucks that scare the s**t out of us.

    19. People who run into household appliances.

    20. People who fly through the toll lane.

    21. People who drive YOLO.

    22. People who drive cars that are too big for them.

    No seriously.

    23. Bad parking people.

    They honestly think they are parking like this:

    But in reality, this:

    Great job!

    Essentially, they think this:

    Just make sure your car is loaded up with these.

    24. Your mom.

    25. People who drive through foam.

    If you are one of these drivers, this is what we all want to do to your car.

    Or this.

    And all these drivers are just like:

    Thanks guys.