25 Embarrassing Things You'll Remember If You Were A Teacher's Pet At School


    1. You were on the top table for every subject.

    2. You knew who your competition was in the classroom.

    3. You wanted to be the first to do everything.

    4. Like taking the register to the office.

    5. Or the lunch trolley to the dining hall.

    6. You wanted to be first on the carpet to prove your dedication.

    I miss sitting on the carpet in primary school

    7. You wanted the teachers to think you were nonchalant and cool about everything.


    8. But you also ~needed~ them to realise you were bomb AF at everything.

    9. You wanted to answer every question.

    10. Even if you didn't know the answer.

    11. Basically you just wanted everyone to listen to you so you could show off to the teacher.

    12. You would probably cry for a week if the teacher told you off.

    "I don't deserve this."

    13. You'd hang around by the teachers at lunch so they could be impressed by your shit cartwheels.

    14. You'd linger around by the classroom door to be the first one in the line when the lunch whistle went.

    15. You hired an entire team to make sure your school project was the best.

    16. When your friends asked you to play you’d say no because you wanted to do your homework instead.

    17. You'd have your homework done three days before the due date.

    First day of college tomorrow... Time to slay and be the teachers pet in every class #goals

    18. And made sure everybody knew about it.

    19. In fact you'd probably try to hand it in three days early in front of the entire class to prove you were better than all of them.

    To establish, this made you the worst person. #RIPMe

    20. You sulked for the entire day if you got one word wrong on the weekly spelling test.

    21. You were the first to volunteer for every school production.

    22. And then for the next couple of months, you'd march around telling people how they could improve their part.

    23. After school, you'd maybe see your teacher in the supermarket and you'd go sprinting down the bread aisle like "HI MISS WALTERS LOOK IT'S ME!"

    24. When you went on holiday, you brought your teacher back a present.

    25. And finally, you know you were a teacher's pet if you have regret for every single moment of your school life.