19 Faces You'll Recognise If You're Lazy

    If I've got to walk, I'm not going.

    1. The "if I have to walk I'm not going" face:

    2. The "I'm going to the first floor but I'm still taking the elevator" face:

    3. The "I only slept for 12 hours" face:

    4. The "I left the remote on the other side of the room and cba to get up to change the channel" face:

    5. The "I'm hungry but the fridge is so far away" face:

    6. The "I've already had one nap today but I want another one" face:

    7. The "I'm trying to relax, why is everybody making noise" face:

    8. The "my phone's about to die but I cba to go get my charger so RIP" face:

    9. The "I've got no food in but there's no way I'm walking to the shop" face:

    10. The "is it OK to cancel my plans so I can stay at home" face:

    11. The "is it OK to get back into bed" face:

    12. The "I'm going to use the rain as an excuse to stay home" face:

    13. The "I want to stay in bed, do I really need this job" face:

    14. The "will anybody know if I take a nap on my desk" face:

    15. The "I can't be bothered to cook so takeaway it is" face:

    16. The "sex is too much effort, let's just watch a movie" face:

    17. The "I've go so much responsibility so I'm just gonna hide from it under my blanket" face:

    18. The "life is better horizontal" face:

    19. The "literally life is too much effort" face: