20 Faces You'll Recognise From Results Day

    Please Jesus may you save us.

    1. When you've finished all your exams and slyly think you're gonna get all A's because you did fucking flawlessly.

    2. Then someone says the answer for one of the questions and you suddenly know you answered the question wrong and are going to fail at everything.

    3. When a family member asks you how you're going to do and you're getting hyped telling them you're gonna kill it.

    4. But on the inside you're like:

    5. When your friend keeps trying to remind you that it's results day tomorrow but you're too busy ordering your headstone because you know you failed so bad.

    6. When your parents say they want to watch you open your results but you know the only thing they're gonna be seeing is the inside of the car because no you're coming in with me.

    7. When you see someone else open their results and it's clearly all A's.

    8. When you're prepping to open the envelope.

    9. And the first letter you see is an A.

    10. But then you realise the A is actually a letter in your name.

    11. When someone tries to look over your shoulder and read your results for you.

    12. When a teacher asks what you got but you know full well they already know and are just being shady cuz you failed their class.

    13. When you're trying to low-key hold it together.

    14. When your best friend got a B in maths but you know they did fuck all revision while you put your life and soul in and got the same grade.

    15. When you ask a teacher to remove the Einstein that got all A's before you do something you're probably not going to regret but may get you expelled.

    16. When you realise you've got to either resit something or go through clearing.

    17. When the teacher congratulates you on doing so well in her class but you don't want to remind her that an A in Personal Development isn't going to pay the bills.

    18. When the teacher asks you to smile for the results day photo but you haven't got anything to smile about.

    19. When you leave and you're acting happy because you can't lose face in public.

    20. But when you get back in the car, your mum has to wipe away all the tears and failure.