27 Incredibly Unhappy Thoughts Everybody Has At A Spin Class

    Why do I hate myself?

    1. "Ow."

    2. "OK that was premature, I haven't even started yet."

    3. "Why am I even here?"

    4. "Why do I hate myself?"

    5. "Are we done yet? Because I was done about five minutes ago, when this whole thing started."

    6. "Why is she shouting? Somebody get her some water, she needs to calm down."

    7. "This seat is so uncomfortable. You're going to torture me for 45 minutes and make me sit on this stump? That's just disrespectful."

    8. "Has anybody ever died on a spin bike? Am I going to be the first?"

    9. "Stand up? Lol OK how about we don't."

    10. "Ow."

    11. "If she says '3, 2, 1, SPIN' one more time, I'm leaving."

    12. "I must've been really evil in a past life otherwise The Lord would not be testing me like this."

    13. "Tbf my ass looks good in the mirror."

    14. "I am 100% finished with this class, how do I get off this bike?"

    15. "Do you hear that lady? That's my legs saying 'NOT TODAY SATAN'."

    16. "Fuck bollocks shit cunt."

    17. "Lol she thinks I'm hovering but I'm just sitting down."

    18. "Turn the resistance up? I finally know what will be the cause of my death."

    19. "No really, ow."


    21. "This is the first time I've ever been upset about having an ass in my face."

    22. "I won't give up, I won't give up, I won't... OK I give up."

    23. "Ow ow ow ow ow."

    24. I am never ever coming back, ever.

    25. "Who will carry me from this room for my legs have had it? Anybody?"

    26. "Guess I'll just stay here on the floor then."

    27. "Ow."