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    9 Things We've Learned About Where British People Tweet

    Mapbox used the geotags embedded in over 280 million tweets to find out where, and with what devices, people were tweeting. On the maps, a red dot is an iPhone, green is Android, and Purple is Blackberry.

    1. In East London, iPhones take the trains but Androids take the road

    2. While everyone with a BlackBerry stays west of the City.

    3. Most twitterererers are in the South East

    4. But even up in the Shetland Islands, they're tweeting.

    5. Most big cities have all their iPhone users in the centre, and the Android users further out. Birmingham:

    6. Manchester:

    7. And Newcastle-Upon-Tyne:

    8. The Olympics glows like a lightbulb… but not as brightly as Stratford Westfield

    9. But also important to remember: either these markers are slightly inaccurate, or a lot of people are tweeting from the middle of the Thames