26 Meals Every Student Will Instantly Recognise

    Grub's up, and some of it's pretty grubby.

    1. This toastie fail:

    2. The toastie to end all toasties:

    3. The pizza you eat at 3am when you’re wasted:

    4. The pizza you eat at 3pm when you wake up the next day hungover:

    5. The worst-hangover-of-all-time Marmite on toast:

    6. The "look no oven!" meal for one:

    Who needs cooking skills when this baby does the trick for breakfast, lunch, and tea?

    7. This really fucking gross food experiment you did once:

    @Pot_Noodle even tried a #potnoodle #wrap very nice I recommend 👍 #food #foodie #snack #potnoodlelover

    All great chefs experiment, right? Plus there was nothing else in the cupboard and you were really hungry.

    8. The five-second rule:

    9. This tragic attempt at cooking something sophisticated for your housemates:

    10. This mysterious thing you bought on the street one night after the club:

    11. This enormous greasy spoon fry-up that is almost a religious experience:

    12. This enormous greasy spoon fry-up that you regret eating immediately afterwards and for several hours after that:

    13. This light snack to keep you going:

    14. This "yellow tea":

    15. This posh breakfast:

    16. This BEYOND POSH dinner:

    17. The munchies:

    18. This horror show from the campus canteen:

    19. This sandwich, which is the lesser of many Ginsters evils in the campus shop:

    20. The best curry in town:

    21. The worst curry in town:

    22. This meal fed to you by a friend in an attempt to revive you from a state of beyond drunkenness:

    23. This kebab that seemed like a good idea at the time:

    24. This extravagant meal out when your parents come to visit:

    25. This trusty fall-back:

    26. This roast dinner your folks make you when you finally come home: