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    15 Real Life Inspirations For Great Stories

    Inspiration comes in many forms. Whether it's green and scaly or a just a sweet treat, here are the unlikely muses that encouraged famous authors to write some of their best known work.

    1. The Chronicles of Narnia: This Wardrobe

    2. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: Actual Yellow Bricks

    3. Dune: An Unfinished Article on Florence, Oregon

    4. A Song of Ice and Fire: Turtles

    5. The House at Pooh Corner: Stuffed Animals

    6. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH: John B. Calhoun

    7. The Very Hungry Caterpillar: A Hole Puncher

    8. Animal Farm: A Horse Cart

    9. Alice in Wonderland: Alice Pleasance Liddell

    10. The Hunger Games: Channel Surfing

    11. Something Wicked This Way Comes: A Carnival Act

    12. Charlotte's Web: A Sick Pig

    13. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Cadbury Bars

    14. A Cricket in Times Square: A Cricket Chirping

    15. Where The Wild Things Are: Badly Drawn Horses