21 Reasons We Should All Be More Like Alfred Pennyworth

    We can't all be Batman. The world needs more Alfreds.

    1. He can hold his own in a fight.

    2. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty.

    3. In fact, he thrives on getting his hands dirty.

    4. He has good taste.

    5. He's a team player.

    6. He's got a quick wit...

    7. ...but he never misses an opportunity to lay down a sick dad joke.

    8. He's great at putting things in perspective.

    9. He doesn't put up with anyone's shit.

    10. ...not even from the all-powerful Superman.

    11. Despite his proximity to some very serious people, he tries not to take things too seriously.

    Lol... Hawkman.

    via positivelycrippled.tumblr.com

    12. He might be older, but he keeps up with music trends.

    13. ...and the latest YA books too.

    14. He always knows exactly what to say...

    15. ...and exactly what to do to make you feel good about yourself.

    16. He'll bring you ice cream, even when you're too busy to sit down and enjoy it with him.

    17. He cares without being overbearing.

    18. He's full of genuinely great words of wisdom.

    19. He just wants to help you recognize and break negative cycles.

    20. He never wants anyone to feel like they're alone in this world.

    21. He's the world's best dad. (Even though he's not a dad.)