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    86 Thoughts Every Tourist Has When Walking Down Hollywood Blvd. For The First Time

    A truly enriching experience.

    1. This is it! The famous Hollywood Boulevard!

    2. Wow, it's really long.

    3. That man is staring at me.

    4. Do I have food on my face?

    5. Wait...Frank Sinatra's star isn't actually on Hollywood Boulevard?

    6. He definitely deserves to have a star ON Hollywood Boulevard.

    7. This doesn't look as glamorous as the movies made it out to be.

    8. I don't want to take a bus tour.

    9. I'm serious, I really don't want a bus tour.

    10. I wonder what famous person stood in this exact same spot.

    11. It smells a little like weed.

    12. It smells a lot like weed.

    13. Okay, the smell is gone.

    14. There's a lot of stars here

    15. Of course there's a lot of stars, It's Hollywood, idiot.

    16. No thank you, I assure you I don't want a bus tour.

    17. How tacky would it be for me to get a fake Oscar?

    18. It's not tacky if I buy it ironically, right?

    19. I think this was where Richard Gere picked up Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.

    20. No thank you, I still don't want a bus tour.

    21. A map of the star's homes? How accurate is that information really?

    22. It doesn't matter, I'm a tourist.

    23. *buys map of the star's homes*

    24. Don't yell at me for tripping over you because you decided to stop in the middle of the walkway to take a picture with a star.

    25. Ripley's!

    26. Madame Tussauds!

    27. The Hollywood Wax Museum!

    28. Here we go, this is starting to look more like the movies.

    29. Look at all of the theatres!

    30. Dolby Theatre is huge.

    31. There's a lot of people and it's starting to stress me out

    32. Screw them, it's my vacation.

    33. *cuts off someone to get a picture with the Dr. Frank-N-Furter impersonator*

    34. They want a tip?

    35. I only have five dollars.

    36. I can't believe I paid five dollars to take a picture with someone.

    37. What is this, Disneyland?

    38. My hands are getting sweaty from holding this fake Oscar.

    39. I shouldn't have gotten it.


    41. I wonder if I look like a tourist.

    42. Nicole Kidman's star!

    43. *gets on knees to take picture with it*

    44. This pavement is so hot.

    45. Take the photo, my hands are melting.

    46. Why is this photo taking so long?

    47. I stood where Nicole Kidman stood.

    48. Today is a good day.

    49. Nothing has changed. I still don't want a bus tour.

    50. Please stop. I really don't need a bus tour.

    51. The Chinese Theatre!

    52. I need these people to get out of my shot with the Marilyn Monroe handprints.

    53. I briefly forgot how hot this pavement was.

    54. Don't worry, I remember now.

    55. Maybe I should catch a movie.

    56. I guess I could catch a movie anywhere.

    57. I can't waste precious time watching a movie because there's so much more to see.

    58. Everything here is so big.

    59. Maybe I'm just really small.

    60. There's a pretty safe chance I need all of these people to get out of my way.

    61. That picture of El Capitan with the back of your head in front of it is truly gold. Thank you, sir.

    62. Did I get a picture of myself with all of the stars I wanted?

    63. Is there anything past the Chinese Theatre?

    64. I guess I could walk that way.

    65. Wait, what time is it?

    66. Crap, my parking pass expired.

    67. It was a really long walk to get here.

    68. I guess I should start walking back.

    69. This looks like a great place to people watch

    70. Maybe one of these bus tours will give me a ride back to my car in the sketchy parking lot 20 blocks away.

    71. Probably not. I really don't want a bus tour.

    72. I wonder what this strip was like in the golden ages of Hollywood.

    73. Think of how many celebrities have walked the path I have.

    74. Maybe not to the sketchy parking lot 20 blocks away.

    75. It smells like weed again.

    76. That same man is staring at me.

    77. I'm so glad I bought this Oscar.

    78. I wonder how many tips I would make as a Hollywood impersonator.

    79. I don't look like a celebrity.

    80. I should've stayed in the heart of the Boulevard longer.


    82. I should've put more money in my meter, but instead, I'm an idiot.

    83. This place is so cool.

    84. I need to come back again.

    85. I love movies.

    86. Viva Cinema.