17 Reasons You Really Should Go See Coldplay Live

    Time to "consciously couple" with sexiest band around.

    First, some mood music for your listening pleasure.


    1. Chris Martin is a total babe, and there's really no other way to put it.

    Watching him and the band perform in May at the iHeart Radio Theater in Los Angeles was nothing short of magic.

    2. He has this kind of boyish charm that melts your heart into a puddle of gooey feels.

    3. The whole time he's singing, it feels like he singing directly to your soul.

    4. And not just your normal soul, your pre-universe, black void, deep-down soul.

    5. Well you do, and Chris Martin is singing to it.

    6. In other news, his arms are super toned and should definitely be seen L-I-V-E.

    7. Because when he gets super into a song, he starts swinging those super sexy biceps around and your whole body will tingle with joy.

    8. * body tingles with joy *

    9. Did I mention he's also an adorable/terrible dancer?

    10. He loves to bop around like a child in a bouncy castle.

    11. All while remaining super damn fine.

    12. Also equally important: sexy-ass bass player, Guy Berryman.

    13. The drummer, Will Champion, is pretty hot too.

    14. Basically, Coldplay is a bunch of fine men soulfully singing a bunch of love songs to you.

    15. You will like it.

    16. Plus there's confetti.

    17. Oh also, the music is quite wonderful.