

Yea: - Meanwhiles - Cake - Lindt white chocolate truffles - Good, long books - Rainy days spent indoors - Me time/quiet time - People who are different & not because its against everyone else - Eating - The little musical interludes in my head - Imagining living in a musical - Racist jokes/inside jokes - Dancing - Fighting - Not wearing pants Nay: - Pants - Real life male stalkers & not friends who facebook creep - People who don't text - Relationshit overlappers - Sharing - Talking to people who talk louder than i do - Body builders - Fashionistas with no sense of enough is enough - People who never use the proper names for genetalia - People who scream because they don't know how to communicate properly - Overly emotional ladies - Close-mindedness as far as anything is concerned - People who claim they aren't following any trends despite being a walking trend head to toe - People who judge others based on what they see, hear, or assume without ever taking the time to KNOW - People who claim they love you, but don't know you until there's no one else around. - Skinny bashing

Jan 2011
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