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    15 Reasons Felicia Day Is The Geek Of Your Dreams

    Haven't even heard of her? Well then, you're welcome.

    Felicia Day has been involved in cult classics such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, and new television favorite Supernatural but there's a lot more to this super cute nerd!

    1. She looks great in a helmet... or without one.

    2. She laughs, like, ALL the time. And it's adorbs.

    3. She created and starred in her own web series.

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    Day has won many awards for her series The Guild and was even a member of the board of directors of the International Academy of Web Television.

    4. She's a gamer (obvi).

    5. She has lots of nerdy friends too!

    6. Her occasional eye wear only adds to the cuteness.

    7. She can be a siren when she chooses to be though...

    8. She'll totally help a friend put together their shitty IKEA furniture.

    9. She's an animal lover.

    10. She knows how to pick up hot elf chicks.

    11. Bitch loves her some pizza.

    12. She sings!

    13. She created a pro-geek/anti-bullying music video with fellow cast members.

    14. She's super smart.

    15. Girl just loves to have fun.

    The Guild Episode 1

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