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19 Things You Miss After Graduating College

Take me back.

1. Making your own schedule.

2. Three-month summer vacations.

3. Your body being able to handle an obscene amount of alcohol.

4. Living on meal plans.

5. Not giving a fuck and wearing sweatpants to class.

6. Going to the gym on your own time.

7. Not worrying about student debt.

8. Skipping a class just because you wanted to.

9. Naps.

10. A very large pool of young and attractive single people.

11. Late-night runs to Taco Bell.

12. Cheap drinks, all the time.

13. Sitting in the student section at football games (for free).

14. Beer pong.

15. Student discounts.

16. Studying abroad.

17. Spring break.

18. Living in close proximity to a majority of your friends.

19. Thinking you know what you might want to do after college.