• Super Bowl badge

How To Get Drunk For Your Super Bowl Team

Honor your team the most meaningful way: customized booze.

1. Panky By The Bay

Fernet-Branca is a bitter herbal liqueur that's been popular in San Francisco since before the Porhibition, and today is the unofficial drink of the restaurant industry.

Inspired by a Hanky Panky

Serves 1


1.5 oz gin

1.5 oz sweet vermouth

2 dashes of Fernet Branca

Orange peel for garnish


Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice, shake vigorously for 20 seconds and strain into champagne coupe. Garnish with an orange peel.

2. The Baltimore Bloody

Old Bay on the rim, crab meat as a garnish. Probably beats a Natty Boh.

Inspired by the Old Bay Bloody Mary.

Serves 1


For the rim

1 lime wedge

3 tablespoons Old Bay seasoning

For the drink

1 cup of tomato juice

¼ tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce

¼ teaspoon of Tabasco sauce

½ teaspoon prepared horseradish

¼ teaspoon teaspoon of celery salt

¼ teaspoon of fresh ground black pepper

1 oz of vodka

For the garnish

2-3 pieces fresh jumbo lump crab meat

1 green olive

1 lemon wedge

1 avocado slice


Put about 3 tablespoons of Old Bay in an even pile on a plate. Take a wedge of lime, run its flesh around the rim of the glass, then dip the rim if the glass in the Old Bay seasoning. Mix tomato juice, Worcestershire, Tabasco, horseradish and seasoning together in large glass. Stir in vodka. Add ice to Old Bay-rimmed glass and then pour mixture over. Garnish with crab meat, olive, lemon wedge, and avocado slice speared with a toothpick.

3. The Sazerac Toddy

We may never know for sure if the first-ever cocktail was hatched in New Orleans — but the city certainly owns the Sazerac. If you're not loyal to a team, toast the host of this year's Super Bowl with this warm, cozy, and extremely boozy version.

Inspired by The Wormwood Society.

Serves 1


1 tablespoon granulated sugar

3 dashes Peychaud's bitters

1-3 whole cloves

1-2 inch strip of lemon rind

3 oz rye whiskey

1 oz absinthe

Boiling water

Lemon slice for garnish

Cloves for garnish (optional)


In a mug, muddle the lemon peel, cloves, sugar, and bitters. (Muddle means smash — you can use a wooden spoon.) Add rye, absinthe, and boiling water. Strain the drink into a hot toddy glass (a thin mesh strainer will work, but if you want a very clean OCD-approved drink, use cheesecloth or a coffee strainer). Garnish with a lemon skewered by whole clothes.

Photos by Macey Foronda