• Valentine's Day badge

What Are The Chances Your Crush Is Actually Your True Love?

Just take this highly scientific DIY test.

Are you sitting there right now, reading this, thinking about your crush?

And you're like, Huh, I wonder how viable our love is?

Who can really know!

GUESS WHAT: You can! With this highly scientific, definitely valid game.

All you need is a paper and pen, the ability to do basic addition, and a flexible idea of percentages.

Here's what you do.

Write your name, your crush's name, and then "True Love" in two columns, as below.

Then count the amount of times each of those letters appear in your names, and add up both columns. Voila!

If you're looking to maximize your chances at love, go ahead and add your middle names!

Some people are so destined for love it's magical.

Whereas other folks were doomed from the second their parents put their name on their birth certificate.

Go forth and find love!