27 Things You Need To Know To Survive In NYC

    Inspired by this Quora thread.

    1. The order of the avenues.

    2. And the Broadway bend.

    3. That most of the pizza tastes the same, and even the dollar slices are good.

    4. There's more than one Chinatown.

    5. Where to get your nature fix.

    6. Houston is pronounced "Howston."

    7. You should get in the cab before you tell them where you're going.

    8. And speaking of cabs, they're only available if their lights are on.

    9. Oh and also: You can't hail a green taxi in Manhattan.

    10. How to get the most out of the MTA's free bus-to-bus or subway-to-bus transfers.

    11. That you can take visitors to see the Statue of Liberty for free on the Staten Island ferry.

    12. Which buses and trains go to which airports.

    13. How the PATH train works and where to get it.

    14. That you're wasting everyone's time by trying to get on the train before the other passengers get off.

    15. Where to stand on the platform so your train drops you off at the optimal location.

    16. Which trains don't run on the weekends.

    17. To walk like you're a little car.

    18. And if you're walking while looking at your phone, don't count on other people to not crash into you.

    19. That you'll hate every car when you're walking, and every pedestrian when you're driving.

    20. That there are free days for almost every museum.

    21. And you aren't obligated to pay a museum's "suggested donation."

    22. That, actually, there are a lot of free events around the city.

    23. Which attractions are worth the hype.

    24. You should make friends with the people (and cats) at your local bodega.

    25. How to install an air conditioner.

    26. That when it comes to apartment hunting, something is going to give.

    27. And that, ultimately, you can assume everyone is just doing their best.