Proof It Is Actually Impossible To Stop Biting Your Nails

    Don't even bother.

    Hey, it's just about New Year's Eve! Time to make some resolutions!

    This year, like every year, why not resolve to stop biting your nails once and for all?


    It's not like you haven't tried. It's just that nothing works.

    You've heard all of the gross "facts," but that doesn't help when you don't even realize you're biting.

    You've bought a million nail files but you keep forgetting them at home.

    You could use Band-Aids as barriers but then you look like a maniac.

    And wearing gloves 24/7 looks only slightly less crazy.

    You've gotten used to the taste of those bitter nail polishes.

    You try giving yourself a manicure but then you just end up with chipped nail polish on your teeth.

    And you tell people to stop you, but then you're enraged when they swat your hands away.

    You're haunted by all of the images of amazing nail art around you.

    But no desire is strong enough to keep you from doing what you have to do.

    You could try doing something else with your hands, but you know what else people do with their hands? SMOKE.

    This is basically you, forever.

    But, hey, at least you're not alone.

    Now, time to start thinking of better resolutions.