There Was A Late-Term Demon Abortion On "Sleepy Hollow"

    A solid argument for being pro-abortion rights. Warning: Contains spoilers for "Deliverance" and also horrifying pregnancy GIFs.

    The Nov. 3 episode of Sleepy Hollow, "Deliverance," told the story of a woman's journey to undergo a successful late-term demon abortion. Katrina (Katia Winter) finds out fairly early in the episode that she is pregnant with an unplanned, unwanted demon. The rest of the episode is a race to abort before the delivery.

    Katrina was impregnated against her will with some kind of magic spider, joining a long line of women coerced into being labor-laborers, as if women have nothing better to do than to use their bodies to create more agents of darkness. For some reason, the way that the evil dudes in this episode confirm the pregnancy has been a success is by looking into her eyeballs, which has something to do with magic — whatever, the point is, we hear the baby's heartbeat, we see some kind of twinkle in its mother's eye, and the men who impregnated Katrina without her consent try to kidnap her from the Headless Horseman (Jeremy Owens).

    To his credit, the Headless Horseman is a great male ally and tries to prevent the kidnapping — in fact, he gets FRIED by the sun TWICE trying to prevent other men from assaulting a woman.

    Two other men also help her when she's in distress.

    Katrina is taken to the hospital, where she's receiving medical care.

    Katrina and Crane start doing research on her thus-far mystery sickness.

    This woman does not look happy to be the subject of an experiment.

    They realize her life-threatening medical condition is a PREGNANCY.

    The Hellfire Club is using "science" to justify its treatment of women as baby-makers with no agency of their own.

    Crane realizes that the only way to terminate this pregnancy is to ask a man to help intervene, because that's how the world works.

    So two men are sitting in a room talking about whether or not Katrina can have this abortion she wants, and Crane is like, "It's pretty effed up that you have to hear this from a man and not from a woman, since women should be the only ones talking about what happens in their bodies, but like, would you mind aborting this demon because Katrina is not into this pregnancy," and Henry (John Noble) is all, "No, I think this demon fetus has more rights than Katrina, and I really don't give a fig how Katrina feels about this; she's gonna have to carry that demon to term."

    Katrina is getting desperate, and she says to Abbie that killing herself would also terminate the pregnancy.

    And Abbie is all, "It's 2014, Katrina — you should have access to health care that puts your needs first."

    Abbie and Crane discover there's a magic prism that will abort this demon fetus, so they go off to get it, and Katrina is left alone, worrying about what's in her uterus.

    The demon fetus clearly has fingers and toes.

    Crane and Abbie get back with the prism just in time to perform the abortion.

    It looks incredibly painful, and I'm sure Katrina would have appreciated access to painkillers to make the experience less traumatic than it inevitably would be.

    Everyone is really happy that the abortion was a success and that the woman is healthy.

    Crane is super supportive. I mean, I guess that's obvious because he performed the abortion. Freedom of choice: EXERCISED.