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9 Of The Tastiest Delicacies From New York City

Let’s take a food tour of the Big Apple. Just the thought of the city’s food makes your mouth water. Good thing you can find Reubens with the same high-quality ingredients of a NYC corner deli at every Arby's.

13 Stunning Examples Of Glass Art

Everyone knows it's bad luck to break a mirror, but what if you turn that broken glass into a piece of art? Here are some of the most stunning examples of bad luck turned into art. And to try your luck against a sea of broken mirrors, check out the addicting game, "Mirror Mirror."

15 Things Every Kid In The ‘90s Can Relate To

ahhh the life of a '90s kid. While some of these things are long gone, a few of them are still around and others are making a come back. If you remember forwarding ridiculous chain letters or staying up to record your favorite song on a cassette tape, then this post is for you!

10 Weirdest Superstitions From Around The World

Do you avoid the number 13, chain e-mails and black cats? Or are you far too rational to believe in old wives' tales? Take a look at some of the most bizarre superstitions from around the world and if you want to create your own - submit a chain letter to bring some bad luck to your own friends.

The Art Of Fast Food

What do you get when you combine art and fast food? The most delicious mosaic you'll see all week.

10 Situations When You Need A Reuben Now

Bad day at work? Craving meat? There are just some situations in life that call for a Reuben immediately. And when they strike, you'll know.

How Your Favorite Sandwiches Were Conceived

While Arby's may have one of the most famous Reubens now, its actual origin is one of the most widely disputed in sandwich history. Along with the world famous Reuben, check out where some of your other favorite sandwiches are said to have been conceived.