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    20 Times Mia Thermopolis From "The Princess Diaries" Summed Up Being In College

    "Somebody sat on me again."

    1. When something embarrassing happens to you on a daily basis:

    2. When you roll out of bed ten minutes before class and look in the mirror:

    3. Whenever you have to act like the adult you are already supposed to be:

    4. Whenever a professor tells you the final is going to be cumulative:

    5. When you're forced to bring your own food because you can't trust the food in the dining hall:

    6. Whenever you see a couple making out on campus:

    7. When you try to dance while your crush is close by:

    8. When you wake up the morning after going out:

    9. When you think you're stress-free but then remember how much work you actually have to do:

    10. Every time your parents call to ask how your grades are:

    11. When the test covers material you definitely didn't discuss in class:

    12. When you grow bored after only two minutes of trying to study:

    13. When a test seems way easier than you thought it was going to be:

    14. And when you get said exam back and your score is not what you were expecting:

    15. When professors tell you that you need to speak up more in class:

    16. When you have an essay or project due the same week as final exams:

    17. When you try to be calm, cool, and collected when talking to a professor but instead just look super awkward:

    18. Whenever that annoying person in class asks a ton of questions at the very end of class:

    19. When every single day is an emotional roller coaster:

    20. Finally, when college was, without a doubt, the best years of your life: