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    18 Times George Michael Bluth Understood You On A Personal Level

    Arrested Development's most relatable character is all of us.

    1. He owns his faults.

    2. He can feign interest when he needs to.

    3. He embraces his crafting side.

    4. But he can be tough when he needs to be.

    5. He understands the struggle of life.

    6. He understands rejection all too well.

    7. He's okay with spending time by himself.

    8. He laughs when things get awkward, which is frequently.

    9. He's supportive of his loved ones, even if he doesn't want to be.

    10. He's not a fan of confrontation.

    11. Every now and then, he'll attempt to step outside his comfort zone.

    12. He knows what's important in life.

    13. He wants that summer body as well.

    14. He knows the struggle.

    15. He knows and embraces the fact that he's not athletic.

    16. He always tries to be fashionable.

    17. He's constantly working on his self-esteem.

    18. But he (and everyone else) embraces his adorable awkwardness.