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    Move Over Potato Salad...There's An Angry Banana Now!

    A man has decided to defend all those that were always too afraid to speak up for themselves by doing it for you...with a mouth full of banana

    A new Kickstarter campaign is aimed at all of us who have ever felt wronged and didn't have the guts to say something about it. Antony Grow has decided to read the grievances and vent the frustrations of anyone willing to send him the complaint.

    The catch is he will do this with a mouth full of mushy bananas.

    When your neighbor stole your paper, your roommate stole your socks, when someone double-parked or short-changed you in a store, Antony Grow has promised that he and the Angry Banana Campaign will record a video of him reading your complaint and post it on a website he hopes to start.

    His fundraising goal is a simple $100 that would go toward administrative costs of a website and bunches and bunches of bananas. In his FAQ section, he promises the bananas to be organic if funding is reached to support it.

    It's too early to tell if this will be similar to the recent potato salad campaign that has reached 60K with time left to reach its initial funding goal of $10. As Antony Grow puts it, "I want this to go viral. No, I want it to go bananas!"

    you can view the campaign here:

    The Angry Banana Man

    View this video on YouTube
