These Rosé Box Wines Will Be Your Favorite Part Of Summer

    Summer drinking will never be the same.

    We all know that it's Rosé Season.

    And we all know that best way to drink rosé is in the great outdoors.

    But you know what's even better? Rosé IN A BOX. It travels!

    And these wines are no Franzia: they're truly, legitimately good.

    Option 1: From the Tank, Les Vignerons d’Estézargues.

    Option Two: Vrac Rosé from Provence

    And both retail for around $30!

    That's $30 for four bottles of really good rosé. . . . . that you take with you to the park! Put in your backpack! Use as a Camelback! The options are limitless.

    You can find both wines in select wine shops all over (here's a New York listing) and online (here, here, here). Or just ask politely for your local wine shop to start carrying the very best thing to happen to summer.
