19 Ways To Tell Your Significant Other Secretly Hates You

    They've even turned your pet against you...

    1. You get passive aggressive notes.

    2. A lot of them.

    3. Ugh.

    4. As a bonus, you get evil looks from time to time. Just because.

    5. Your partner is definitely a taker, not a giver.


    That's because they're selfish. Oh, and probably because they hate you, too.

    6. And gives up easily on everything.

    7. You have to deal with bad puns every day.

    8. You’re frequently the object of horrible pranks.

    9. Plus, you’re always the one who gets blamed for anything going wrong.

    10. Even your pet is not very nice to you.

    11. Your things tend to break “by accident.”

    12. And your accomplishments go totally unnoticed.

    13. They're not afraid to be rude about your family.

    14. And they prefer to be online or play video games rather than spend time with you.

    15. They subtweet you.

    How can you lie to her, while u lay with me???.....If you don't have an answer, you don't have to answer.

    16. And bitch about you on social media in general.

    17. Or, alternatively, in their diary.

    18. They don’t like Taylor Swift and think she’s “stupid” and “overrated”.

    19. And when they are nice to you it's probably only because they've done something horrible and you haven't noticed it yet.